
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: Three New British Suspects

Madeleine McCann: Three New British Suspects

by | 24th, May 2009

maddie-mccannIT’S the media’s Summer of Maddy – and the media is watching the McCanns’ detectives watching “paedo” Raymond Hewlett

In the News of the World, Keith Gladdis delivers:

Maddie suspect’s past fits crime

Says the cracker:

A COP who interrogated Madeleine McCann suspect Raymond Hewlett says the case carries all the hallmarks of the sick sex beast.

Sick sex beast in tautology terror!

Former Detective Superintendent Trevor Wilkinson spent years on the trail of the convicted paedophile, who was in Portugal when Maddie vanished two years ago.

And Mr Wilkinson told the News of the World the snatching of the child from her holiday apartment matches the predator’s offending profile.

Hewlett is a convicted sex criminal. A paedo! But does that fact alone link him to the disappearance of Our Maddie?

He said: “He is constantly looking for prey and we know he is prepared to enter a property to get to a child, which he’s done.”

Hewlett, 64, critically ill with cancer in a German hospital, has been jailed three times for kidnap and molesting young girls and is connected to a string of other attacks on kids.

Mr Wilkinson questioned him in 1992 while investigating the 1975 murder of 11-year old Lesley Molseed in Rochdale.

In “Irish haven of Madeleine suspect” , the Irish Independent looks at that matter:

Raymond Hewlett, the convicted paedophile who has emerged as a suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, travelled back and forth between Britain and Ireland from the mid-Seventies until 1999…

Hewlett was regarded as a suspect in the rape and murder of 11-year-old Leslie Molseed in October 1975 on the Yorkshire Moors. The day after the murder, Hewlett, who had been living in the Rochdale area where Leslie lived, left Yorkshire and travelled to Ireland, where he is believed to have stayed for over a year.

Oh, yeah…

He returned when West Yorkshire Police arrested Stefan Kiszko, who was wrongfully convicted of the murder and served 16 years in prison before being cleared.

Hewlett was eventually cleared of murder Leslie Molseed in 2006, when a cold case investigation led to low cell DNA analysis of Leslie’s clothes finding traces of semen which were traced to Ronald Castree, who was convicted in 2007.

So Hewlett is being linked to major case the media can hang their hat on but a crime he did not commit. He…

“…abducted a 12-year-old girl and took her to the moors near his home in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. He incapacitated her with a rag soaked in paint thinners and was in the process of attempting to rape her when, a subsequent court heard, he prematurely ejaculated, and the girl escaped. He received only one year’s imprisonment. He was also suspected of sexually assaulting another young girl in Manchester in 1975, though never charged or convicted.

In 1978, Hewlett attacked another 14-year-old girl, putting a gun to her head. She managed to escape. He received a four-year jail term for attempted rape. He received another jail sentence for the attempted rape of 14-year-old in 1988.

Back in the News of the World:

Ex-detective Dave Edgar and his team have gathered new information in the Algarve and say there is a strong possibility Maddie is alive.

A source said: “Dave is keeping an open mind on Hewlett.”

Ooops! Cancel the lynch mob! Come baaaaaack….

Oh, no matter. Ride out and ride fast.  Hewlett will get what’s coming to him, right? As the Star reports:


Jonathan Corke has more news that Hewlett is not the only man to have the finger pointed at him:

THREE Britons are now being investigated in the case of missing Madeleine McCann.

Lancashire-born convicted paedophile Raymond Hewlett was last week named as a possible suspect.

And the Daily Star Sunday can reveal that claims about two more people are being scrutinised by the team working for Maddie’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann.

Name names:

A fourth Brit, also a convicted paedophile, has been ruled out.

Says the McCanns’ spokesman, Clarence Mitchell:

“A handful of calls with substantive information is being followed up. Raymond Hewlett is just one line of inquiry among several.”

So it might nto be him, then? He is one name of many.

Reports in Portugal are saying that local police ruled him out of their investigation although he has been described as still dangerous to children and sources say he is wanted for questioning about an unsolved attack in Yorkshire.

So he was cleared by the police. Move on:

The McCanns’ private team – retired detectives Dave Edgar and Arthur Cowley – intend to interview him “within days”.

Our source said: “It’s important to remember that Hewlett is just one avenue in the investigation. There are other leads being looked at.”

But in the Summer Of Maddie Hewlett grabs the headlines…

The Mail says:

‘Maddie paedophile’ under investigation for four months

Yeah, Hewlett is no longer just a paedo – he’s the “Maddie Paedo”.

Detectives have been investigating the predatory paedophile who was living in Portugal near to where Madeleine McCann disappeared for the past four months.


Some of his alibis didn’t quite stand up,’ said a source close to the family.

So it might be him?

But despite concerns about his movements on the night Madeleine disappeared in May 2007, and sinister comments he allegedly made about her, he is not thought to be a strong suspect.

But he’s the “Maddie Paedophile“?

In the Mirror, there is what now passes for evidence:

Paedo Raymond Hewlett admits visiting Maddie holiday flats

The British paedophile linked to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has sensationally confessed to being outside her holiday apartment “many times”.

Convicted pervert Raymond Hewlett, 64, has admitted knowing the resort where the McCanns were holidaying “very well” and said he had parked a van close to their complex on several occasions.

At the time of the child’s disappearance? Er, we don’t know. Anyhow, get this:

Speaking exclusively to the Sunday Mirror, former Scots Guard Peter Verran, 46, revealed… “We got talking at the toilet block. He brought Madeleine up straight away. He said his three-year-old daughter looked like her.

“He was worried that because there had been reports that Madeleine may have been spirited away to Morocco, people might think his child was her. Then he suddenly said, ‘Madeleine’s not in Morocco’.

“I asked him what he meant and he said he knew Praia Da Luz really well. He knew the Ocean Club complex where the McCanns had been staying. He said he’d been there many times and had often parked his van close to the apartment.

“He said he knew the layout of the place, the flat and the restaurant where the McCanns and their friends had been eating when Maddie disappeared. He had a lot of detail about the layout. He said there was no way that the child could be taken without the parents seeing. He said they were lying.”

Man in Praia Da Luz area talks about Madeleine McCann! Read all about it.

Hewlett, meanwhile, says he is innocent:


Get Jeremy Kyle now:

Madeleine McCann suspect Raymond Hewlett is ready to take a LIE DETECTOR test to prove his innocence in the case…

But police face a race against time to establish the truth, as last night doctors were battling to keep Hewlett alive after complications following a cancer op.


As Hewlett lay critical in hospital, his German wife Mariana Schmucker, 33 – mum to their six children – challenged Maddie’s parents Gerry and Kate to come to see her.

She said: “I know about my Raymond’s past and it is forgotten. He is a changed man. I know he didn’t take Maddie.

“He is a very sick man and has said to me he will do anything to prove he is innocent – even take a lie detector test.

“Let the parents of Madeleine come here and ask him face-toface if he had anything to do with their child going missing.

“My husband has nothing to do with little Madeleine. He’s an innocent man and he’ll prove it not anyone.”

Enough on him. Let’s have some proper speculation. And for that we turn to the Express:


STATEMENTS: Witnesses tell of suspicious behaviour at house and toys in secret video den

James Murray and Ted Jeory have more…

Madeleine McCANN may have been taken to a luxury villa just half a mile from where she was abducted, Portuguese detectives were told.

Suspicions were raised because of the behaviour of the people who rented the £1million villa and because video cameras were reportedly seen there along with pictures of children on a wall, the Sunday Express has learned.

Pictures of children on a wall inside a house. Sickos!

Our revelations come as West Yorkshire police prepare to fly to Germany to question 64-year-old convicted paedophile Raymond Hewlett over a sex attack on a girl 25 years ago.

And back we go…

Madeleine McCann is missing – still missing…

Pictures Of All The Madeleine McCann Suspects
Madeleine McCann: The Story In Pictures

Posted: 24th, May 2009 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews 12 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink